
Revision as of 09:32, 15 October 2007 by (talk)
«Step 7+1: Compare with previous ECG Cases and Examples»

Author(s) J.S.S.G. de Jong, MD
Moderator J.S.S.G. de Jong, MD
some notes about authorship

Working through the seven steps, one still has to draw a final conclusion. The final conclusion is the starting point for further treatment of your patient.

Often it is not easy to conclude. Exemples are:

  • "Sinustachycardia with ST elevatie, likely be caused by acute myocardial infarction"
  • "Supraventricular tachycardia of 200 beat per minute caused by an AV nodal re-entry"
  • "Previous infarction combined with an acute lateral myocard infarction with withening of the QRS complexes"
  • "Normal ECG"

Final conclusions should be made of one sentense, which sums all important aspects of the ECG. It is not nescecary to mention all 7 aspects, however one have to look at all of them to find the right conclusion!