Ventricular Flutter

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This is part of: Ventricular Arrhythmias
Ventricular Flutter
Atrial rate 60-100 bpm
Ventricular rate 150-300 bpm
Regularity regular
Origin ventricles
P-wave AV-dissociation
Effect of adenosine none
Example ECG: An example of a ventricular flutter Ventricular Flutter
Example ECG2:

Ventricular Flutter is mostly caused by re-entry with a frequency of 300 bpm. The ECG shows a typical sinusoidal pattern. During ventricular flutter the ventricles depolarize in a circular pattern, which prevents good function. Most often this results in a minimal cardiac output and subsequent ischemia. Often deteriorates into Ventricular Fibrillation.

A ventricular flutter on a 12 lead ECG