Uploads by Giniger

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
12:40, 19 February 2010 2 1 fusion beats.jpg (file) 135 KB Sinus bradycardia, Second degree 2:1 AV block with LBBB in the conducted beats and junctional escape beats with RBBB morphology and fusion beats that mimic normal intraventricular conduction
12:44, 19 February 2010 2 1 LBBB RBBB.jpg (file) 81 KB Sinus rythm, 2:1 AV block with RBBB in the left part of the EKG and after a 1:1 conducted beat with LBBB the 2:1 AV block continues with LBBB. So it is a bilateral brunch block.
19:08, 19 February 2010 Conbeatfus.jpg (file) 137 KB Sinus rythm, high degree AV block, conducted beats with RBBB and ventricular escape beats with LBBB image. Some fusion beats mimic no intraventricular disturbance confundinc as normal conducted beats
19:17, 19 February 2010 Esccapt.jpg (file) 143 KB Sinus rythm, high degree AV block with unional escape beats and capture beats with RBBB.
19:25, 19 February 2010 Orthotac.jpg (file) 73 KB AV orthodromic tachycardia (WPW syndrome)
19:28, 19 February 2010 Vtach.jpg (file) 116 KB Ventricular tachycardia or idioventricular rythm during sinus tachycardia with fusion beats
15:27, 26 February 2010 Bavc26.jpg (file) 295 KB Complete AV block and left idioventricular escape